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Communication team
9 minutes ago4 min read
Oxford SDA Sabbath Service 15th February 2025
And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in Him should...
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Communication team
Dec 26, 20204 min read
Over the last five weeks, I have tried to take us on a journey through the darkness of grief and disappointment, the challenge of dealing wi
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Dr Daisy Adongo
Dec 18, 20206 min read
“Lament is how you live between the poles of a hard life and trusting in God’s sovereignty. Lament is how we bring our sorrow to God....
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Dr Daisy Adongo
Dec 11, 20207 min read
Why pray?
Why should we ask God for specific needs when He will do what He believes is best?
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Dr Daisy Adongo
Dec 4, 202010 min read
It is in our place of doubt, when our faith is challenged, that we come to a clearer understanding of our very awesome God. He comes down an
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Dr Daisy Adongo
Nov 27, 20205 min read
WHEN GOD SAYS ‘NO’ - by Daisy Adongo
Every believer, at one point (or several) in their lives, will face a crisis. It may be a marriage on the brink of collapse, a severe ......
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Communication team
Nov 23, 20203 min read
We've had a report...this is illegal!
We've had a report...this is illegal! Let's set the foundation: Daniel 6:10-13 Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he...
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Eugene James
Nov 5, 20203 min read
Dear Oxford Members, regular visitors and site visitors, As we go through this second lockdown in the UK, we encourage all members and...
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Eugene James
Oct 17, 20201 min read
his 13-part series goes into the heart of the biblical book of Revelation providing you with a clear and deeper understanding of the events
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Communication team
Sep 19, 20205 min read
Wake up and be prepared to be counted worthy"
If you desire with all your heart to fully follow Jesus and Fully Trust him Stand to your feet in a new commitment to the Gospel. Stand up
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Communication team
Aug 14, 20203 min read
Smithsonian - by Elder Ramesh Massey
he knew the consequences well, her motherly instincts had almost forced her out from being in a state of security into deliberate danger.
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Communication team
Jul 20, 20203 min read
How Many More Semesters? - Elder Ramesh Massey
When it’s not your day, everything appeared to go against you. This is what exactly happened to Sam in second semester, he contracted chicke
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Communication team
Jun 30, 20203 min read
What Is Your Name? - by Elder Ramesh
I often hear, ‘…things were better back home. The way we ran our church services was far superior to the way we run our services here’....
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Communication team
Jun 28, 20203 min read
JFK Airport, New York - by Elder Ramesh.
I was born in an Adventist Christian household and had the privilege of studying at the famous Spicer Memorial College (now University)...
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Eugene James
Jun 15, 20202 min read
Stop Waiting - by Pastor Rudi
Stop Waiting We convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married, have a baby, then another. Then we are frustrated that...
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Eugene James
Jun 14, 20204 min read
When light obliterates darkness - Elder Eugene James
The world is broken, but Jesus is working to change this world, the Holy Spirit is convicting people of their errors and leading them to the
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Communication team
Jun 9, 20203 min read
The dreaded phone call - by Elder Ramesh
"the caller said, “David is no more”, he has been killed in a car crash"
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Eugene James
Apr 30, 20201 min read
Be a Real Friend - by Pastor Rudi Puskas
A real friend, be one today
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Communication team
Apr 20, 20202 min read
Bring your lamp - by Pastor Rudi
A short message from Pastor Rudi
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Communication team
Apr 7, 20202 min read
Our Fragile World
Our fragility should point us to the enduring nature of the Kingdom of God and give us a heart of gratitude that overflows with rejoicing
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