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Are you crazy, what’s wrong with you?”

P.E.P “Prayer Evangelism and Preparation”

“Are you crazy, what’s wrong with you?”


Proverbs 22:3 - Prudent v Simple

When people see your preparation without seeing the predicament, they will think that you are crazy.

When they see your emergency planning without seeing the emerging problem, they will think you have lost your mind.

But don’t watch that, don’t worry about that, it’s not your concern. In fact, you are in good company. Consider those who have gone before:


Noah “By faith...”

Genesis 6:13-17; Hebrews 11:7

Abraham “By faith...”

Genesis 12:1-3; Hebrews 11:8

Faith is being able to see what God sees and then to make the necessary preparations or movements. People will question your mental health, they will misunderstand your movements because they will not have comprehended the message.

Don’t get angry, frustrated, or scared, just keep banging away at those planks of wood, keep daubing the ark with pitch, keep sharing the message that caused you to sit up. Don’t come off the wall keep building! Enlist workers from whoever will listen. Each one has gifts and talents to be used for Christ that He will require back with interest.

Daniel 2; 4

It was the proclamation of prophecy that pricked Nebuchadnezzars heart.

Joshua 2; 6

It was history in connection with unfolding prophecy that caused Rahab to acknowledge God and experience salvation along with all in her household, when her city was destroyed.

Genesis 41-47

It was the explaining of prophecy to a heathen king and the application of that prophecy by Gods representative, that saved Egypt and all those that came looking for food during a famine and financial crisis.


Those who feel at liberty to question the Word of God, to doubt everything where there is any chance to be unbelieving, will find that it will require a tremendous struggle to have faith when trouble comes. It will be almost impossible to overcome the influence that binds the mind which has been educated in the line of unbelief, for by this course the soul is bound in Satan's snare and becomes powerless to break the dreadful net that has been woven closer and closer about the soul. LDE 68.3

We have time now to acquaint ourselves with the roadmap. We a little time left to go into the highways and the byways to call all to the wedding feast. By the grace of God, let us use every opportunity and the time we have left to reach as many as we can with the message we have been given.



Book Ref:

LDE - Last Day Events

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