W.A.P - Watch and Pray
“It costs how much?”
Esther 3:8-12
John 11:47-50
Disasters cost money! Rebuilding infrastructures depletes resources! The more the disasters continue, the more the resources are depleted! The more frequent and disastrous the calamities are, the more frequent countries have to find the money to get back to “normality.”
The resources to rebuild are running low. Those who are holding the purse strings realise things can’t continue as they are for much longer. Something has got to give!
Luke 21:26-27 “...distress of nations with perplexity...” A very interesting text if you know the Greek word that ‘perplexity’ is rendered from.
Eng: Perplexity
Greek: Aporia (G640) for those who have a Strongs Concordance)
Meaning: To be in a state of panic, a quandary because of lack of resources.
“Hurricanes, wildfires and floods cost the world $150 billion in 2019 and losses for business and the economy are only expected to increase, because of a decade-long rise in natural catastrophes with direct links to climate change.”
"We expect 2020 to be part of this trend towards increasing losses from weather-related disasters, a trend that we have been observing over the last decade," Ernst Rauch, Munich Re's chief climatologist, told CNN Business.”
Note the trend!
By now we should know where this trains last stop is but for the sake of clarity...
“It will be declared that men are offending God by the violation of the Sunday sabbath; *that this sin has brought calamities which will not cease until Sunday observance shall be strictly enforced;* and that those who present the claims of the fourth commandment, thus destroying reverence for Sunday, are troublers of the people, *preventing their restoration to divine favor and temporal prosperity.*”
GC 590.1
We can’t afford to look away now as we are almost home. Are you building on the rock now or are you building on the sand? Both structures will be tested by the wind, rain and storm.
It’s time to be co-labourers with Christ and call all to the wedding.
Meditate and Believe:
Luke 21:28
Book ref:
GC - The Great Controversy
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